Blizzard Encourages WoW Classic Players to Stop Jumping in Battles to Prevent Crashing

Blizzard Encourages WoW Classic Players to Stop Jumping in Battles to Prevent Crashing

  • 30 Jun 2023
  • Germaine Pieper

Blizzard Entertainment has urged World of Warcraft (WoW) classic players to stop the practice of jumping continuously during in-game battles. The company issued this recommendation in response to several reports of players experiencing game crashes tied to this particular activity, amidst the revitalized interest in the MMO's classic version. 

The game developer received complaints from many players about their game suddenly crashing during battles, particularly in Alterac Valley. The correlation between jumping and crashing became widely acknowledged within the WoW community. Realizing the ramifications, Blizzard pinpointed the excessive jumping in large-scale fights as the primary source of these crashes. The issue seems to primarily occur due to system overloading resulting from the continual rendering of intricate character movements. 

Blizzard's team is already working on resolving the issue formally through updates and patches. However, it can be a complicated and time-consuming process because of the server size and the complexity of this multi-player online game. Until they find a permanent solution, Blizzard advises players to limit jumping during battles as a band-aid fix to avoid such crashes.

WoW Classic takes players back to the game's earlier stage, rekindling the nostalgic memories for many and attracting new ones from others. Although these game crash issues pose a hurdle, the resurgent popularity of the original game version has not been affected substantially.

For Blizzard, the primary focus is on offering smooth gameplay for WoW Classic enthusiasts. While the company actively seeks a comprehensive solution to the jumping-crashing problem, it appeals to players for their cooperation. Preventing random game crashes will improve the overall player experience, allowing the joy of unimpeded stepping back into the classic WoW world. Until a solid fix is issued, WoW Classic players are advised to limit their character's jump-joy during high-traffic battles.