Master the Night: Essential Batman: Arkham Knight Tips Every Gamer Needs

Master the Night: Essential Batman: Arkham Knight Tips Every Gamer Needs

  • 10 Apr 2023
  • Germaine Pieper

Gotham's fate lies in your hands, and it's up to you to ensure that Batman reigns supreme in Arkham Knight. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a newcomer, these essential tips will make sure you've got what it takes to bring justice to Gotham City.

1. Embrace the Batmobile's Battle Mode

The Batmobile is not just for getting from point A to B; it also plays an essential role in combat situations. By enabling Battle Mode, your vehicle transforms into a formidable tank with agile maneuverability and heavy-hitting firepower. Master this mode by practicing its controls, utilizing its powerful weaponry (like the 60mm cannon and Vulcan gun), and dodging enemy fire with ease. The more comfortable you are with Battle Mode, the better equipped you'll be when facing overwhelming odds.

2. Get Your Hands on That Shock Gun ASAP

Upon arriving at GCPD headquarters early in the game, make sure you grab the shock gun from Commissioner Gordon as soon as possible. This versatile gadget can stun enemies and drones alike while dealing significant damage over time when fully charged – perfect for crowd control or taking down pesky flying foes!

3. Unleash Your Inner Brawler

Arkham Knight's combat system is beautifully fluid and offers many opportunities for stylish takedowns - so don't hold back! When grappling enemies or launching them into mid-air combos, follow up with additional punches or gadgets to maximize damage output while looking like an absolute boss.

Unleash Your Inner Brawler in game

4. Bring Down Brutes with Environmental Hazards

Brutes are some of your toughest opponents in Arkham Knight due to their high health pool and devastating attacks - but they're no match for environmental hazards! Instead of trading blows one-on-one (which can be time-consuming), use surroundings like electrical boxes or fire extinguishers that deal massive damage upon contact. Lure Brutes towards these hazards and watch as they crumble beneath Batman's strategic prowess.

5. Hold Off on Watchtowers Until You Have the Remote Hacking Device

Watchtowers are heavily fortified enemy posts scattered throughout Gotham City, and while it may be tempting to take them down early, patience is key. Wait until you've acquired the remote hacking device – a gadget that allows you to disable security systems or create distractions from afar – before tackling watchtowers head-on. This strategy will save you time and resources in the long run.

6. Guns Aren't Just for Show – Use Them!

Batman adheres to a strict code of not taking lives, which excludes the use of deadly guns. However, his inventory includes a wide range of non-lethal gadgets. Among these, the Disruptor stands out, as it has the ability to interfere with adversaries' firearms, making them inoperative in the heat of battle. This gadget is particularly effective when going up against opponents brandishing knives, as it neutralizes the danger they represent at close range.

7. Pump Up Your Tank Weapons

The Batmobile's tank weapons pack quite the punch but become even more potent with upgrades! As soon as you have access to upgrade points, invest in improving your 60mm cannon’s damage output or your Vulcan gun’s rate of fire. These enhancements will make taking out drones and enemy vehicles a breeze.

Pump Up Your Tank Weapons in game

8. Tackle Story Missions Before Exploring New Islands

Arkham Knight features several islands filled with side quests and collectibles; however, diving into these distractions too soon can leave Batman underprepared for upcoming challenges due to missing essential gadgets or upgrades locked behind story progressions. Complete a few story missions first before delving into optional content – doing so will ensure that Batman is ready for whatever threat he faces next.

9. Prioritize Fear Multi-Takedowns

Fear Multi-Takedowns allow Batman to swiftly incapacitate multiple enemies at once without breaking stealth - making this skill invaluable when dealing with large groups of thugs clustered together! Invest in upgrading this ability as soon as possible to maximize crowd control efficiency and leave adversaries quaking in fear.

10. Put That Disruptor to Good Use

The Disruptor is a versatile gadget that can turn the tide of battle in your favor by sabotaging enemy firearms or drone controls. Familiarize yourself with its various ammunition types – such as jamming gun crates, disabling drones for a short period, or even causing armed thugs' guns to backfire upon pulling the trigger! Use the Disruptor strategically and watch as enemies fall like dominoes.

11. Glide Like There’s No Tomorrow

One of Batman's most iconic abilities is his power of flight, so why not make full use of it? Gliding not only offers breathtaking views of Gotham City but also allows for strategic planning and rapid traversal between locations. Mastering advanced techniques like dive-bombing, grapple boosts, and glide-kicking will ensure that you're always one step ahead of your foes.

With these tips firmly ingrained in your playstyle, you'll be well on your way to dominating Gotham City's criminal underworld and proving once and for all that Batman truly is Arkham Knight's ultimate protector!